Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry is a novel about a community built for the purpose of keeping peace and order at all times. The community lives in a state of Sameness; everyone lives lives that are basically the same with few variations. Jonas, an Eleven, is approaching Twelve and apprehensive about what he will be assigned to do with the rest of his life. Unlike many Elevens, he does not have a chosen area of preference for his required volunteer hours, nor does he have a strong opinion on where he should be placed. In his world, everything is assigned: family unit, career, and even mode of transportation. There is no such thing as animals, and there is required sharing of feelings each evening. When he is unexpectedly chosen as the community's new Receiver of Memories, he faces the challenge of isolation and secrecy unlike any he has ever experienced. It is only when he truly learns the community's secrets and receives the memories of those before him that he begins to question his way of life. Is Jonas willing to overlook the questionable events taking place in the community, or will he crack under the pressure?

This novel strongly leans toward placing power in the hands of the elders of the community, both male and female equally. There are few women mentioned; however, the women in the novel are shown in a positive, caring light. Fiona, another Eleven, has a loving personality that attracts Jonas' appreciation. She strongly prefers to care for the Old and shows great love and respect for each person she encounters. Jonas' mother is depicted in much the same way. She is assigned to the Department of Justice and is required to issue punishment to the same member of the community twice, something that saddens her because a third offense requires Release. This is a powerful novel, well worth the read.

To read more about the author, I've included some information. The first is a biography with other books by this author. The second is an article about the novel itself which includes some of the controversy involved with this novel.

Lois Lowry

Controversy and Other Topics of Interest

Here is a video interview with Lois Lowry with her thoughts and explanations of how she intended The Giver to be perceived.

And finally, a quote from the book:


  1. Not trying to be nit picky, its the developing teacher in me, but there should be an "a" in the first line "The Giver by Lois Lowry is A novel". Other than that, ;) you're aces girl.

    I liked your post, now that I see you just kind of did a summary and "don't / read" type of thing. It's really good :) I love The Giver and I hope they don't wreck it when they finally make the movie they've been trying to make for over 15 years :)

    1. Thanks for the correction! I didn't notice that myself. :) My intentions are definitely to give information and hopefully entice new readers with the information I provide. I also like giving extra resources that will open discussions.
